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Join in!


Registration deadline for August 2025's festival will be July 1, 2025.

Later registration is at the discretion of BOS Director. Don't hesitate to contact builtonstilts97@gmail.com to inquire.


Built on Stilts (BOS) is a forum for artists to present original work that has not been performed previously at the festival. Amateurs and professionals are invited to share the stage and all kinds of dance and performance are encouraged. Although it is not a curated event per se, and all are welcome to register, BOS's festival director reserves the right to review and approve content. No hate speech, propaganda, or potentially harmful content will be tolerated. 

There is a $30 non-refundable registration fee and form requested for participation to help cover production and administrative costs. Please download and complete the registration form. Be sure you understand ALL the criteria, rules and guidelines before registering, and don't hesitate to reach out with questions first. If you need a waiver of the registration fee for any reason, please note that on your registratration form and we'll be happy to help.


Choreographers/Makers must be: at least 16 years old * (Participating performers can be any age.)

Work must be:

• Able to be presented with bare bones technical needs. (Lights and sound are on and off only.)

• Appropriate for children (NO nudity. NO foul language live or in any recorded music.)

• No longer than 7 minutes.


Tech Date: Each piece is required to attend one assigned tech slot between 1/2 hour and 1 hour long. This time is used for artists to mark their piece in the space and give cues to the crew. This will be at some point within the days leading up to the festival or on the day of the first show an artist is assigned to (generally on the day of first show for visiting artists.) Dates you may be assigned a tech slot include August 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 17, 18, or 19, depending on when your performances are scheduled.


Dress rehearsals and Performances: Shows are Aug. 8-10 and Aug. 17-19. You will be assigned at least TWO of these show dates unless you request ONLY ONE performance on your registration form. Each group MUST attend the 4pm dress rehearsals on ALL days of the shows in which their piece is to be included. All participants must arrive ON TIME for the 4pm production meetings and dress rehearsals. Show call for performers is 7pm. Curtain is at 8pm. Once all the registrations are received, artists will be provided with a more definite schedule of assigned time slots. Schedule will be finalized approximately one month in advance. Visiting artists can confirm dates much sooner to accomodate their travel and housing plans.

Other rules for participation:

• You will not be registered in the festival until a registration fee and form has been received. Please send payment the same day you send this form. The $30 registration payment is non-refundable

• You and everyone participating in your piece agree to attend the tech, dress rehearsal times and performance times scheduled for you. Please don't make special date requests unless absolutely necessary (as in traveling or housing issues). If there are unavoidable conflicts, be sure to detail them on the registration form. Examples of other unavoidable conflicts are family emergencies, weddings, memorial services etc…

• There is no special light or sound cueing available for the show, only VERY minimal tech. There is only bump or fade up and bump or fade down for lights and one level of light you may choose for your piece. Music is on and off only with no manual fading. You should pre- engineer your music with fades or pauses built in as needed in advance of submitting your music. You agree to have your music made into ONE TRACK and EMAILED upon request.

• Any large prop use must be cleared well in advance and may not be able to be accommodated.

• You agree to submit program info, a short bio and your music by the date requested in the BOS follow-up information coming in July.  You will submit it in the format requested therein, not in advance or late, and not bit by bit. All the written info requested should come via email all together. BOS reserves the right to edit your written materials for clarity or length.

• Dance groups that require participants to pay to rehearse or be in their BOS piece are asked to donate 10% of such income to BOS in addition to the registration fee.

• No inside saving of seats by you, your participants or any audience member whatsoever.

• No use of the venue for rehearsal or visit outside of the exact times and dates noted herein unless you have your own signed rental contract with The Vineyard Preservation Trust, the organization that owns the chapel.

• No food or drink other than water is allowed in the venue. 

• No videotaping or photography is allowed during performances with the exception of outdoors or dress rehearsals. You authorize and grant BOS the right to take, edit, exhibit, or publish pictures or video of the festival that may include your image  to be used for legal, promotional or grant-related materials. Such videos will be available for sale. Photos (digital) are free upon request.

• No tap shoes, skates, footwear or props that may damage the floor is allowed. Portable tap floors are your responsibility and must be cleared in advance.

• Development of new work is encouraged. Work previously presented at the festival in past years is not allowed.

• You will not report to media outlets regarding participation in BOS without consulting BOS's director as you may be asked to use specific language.

• You agree to show respect for your fellow performers and staff, to be well rehearsed and prepared. 


• BOS reserves the right to review and approve content. No hate speech, propaganda, or potentially harmful content will be tolerated. Participation is at the discretion of the festival director.

• You and your participants will not hold BOS, The Vineyard Preservation Trust or BOS staff liable for injury, theft or loss incurred on the premises.


• You agree to confirm receipt of information emailed or mailed to you by BOS when asked to do so.

• Please register only if you feel confident you will follow through.

* Artists MUST BE at least 16 years old to put work in or perform onstage on their own in the festival. Those under 16 may perform the work of other choreographers IF there are other 16+ performers alongside them on stage. Younger children may also participate through our programs, Stiltshop and Advancedshop. These workshops are designed to foster love of dance and emphasize the importance of working with others of diverse ages and abilities to create something special - This is at the core of Built on Stilts' mission. Compliance with our guidelines and approval of all registrations is at the sole discretion of the festival director. Exceptions to the age restriction may be made at the discretion of the festival director.